magento 2.4.6 improvements
Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6 Will Be Released on March 14th, 2023

Everything You Need to Know About the Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6 Release Update

The latest Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6 release update is a major performance update for store owners. Let’s have a look at highlighted Magento 2.4.6 features and enhancements.

Bug Fixes

Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6 includes about 300 quality fixes and enhancements, covering improvements in platform quality, GraphQL caching performance, accessibility, payment methods, and Google-integrated modules enhancement.

Maintenance (Security, Speed, Optimization, Compliance)

  • Newer versions of ElasticSearch (v8.x), Composer version upgrade to 2.2.x, DHL Integration schema updated from v6.2 to v10.0, Involves support for Redis 7.0.x, Updated JavaScript libraries to the latest versions, compatibility with MariaDB 10.6.
  • Supported PHP version 8.1 and 8.2
  • Configuration setting to improve performance for operations that affect customer segments.
  • Improve the performance of the product grid by limiting the number of products displayed in the product grid.
  • Merchants can now import up to 100,000 records per minute.
  • Improvement in order processing performance with the help of load balancing.


  • Pay Later button and banners have been enabled for Italy and Spain.
  • Enabled PayLater messaging with PayPal Vault.
  • Added Fraud Protection, ACH, and Added LPM (Local Payment Methods) web hooks.
  • Compatibility of Page Builder v.1.7.3 with Magento 2.4.6.
  • PWA Studio v.13.0.x is compatible with Magento 2.4.6.

Additional Fixes in Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6

Hundreds of issues are fixed in the latest Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6 and Magento Open Source 2.4.6.

  • The compile command returns an informative message on failure.
  • Overwriting of .gitignore files is eliminated when executing the composer install command.
  • Exceptions and exception stack trace entries are now included in var/log/exception.log.
  • The buttons in the checkout now work as expected with keyboard input.

Detailed Version Comparison: 2.4.5 Vs 2.4.6

Magento Version2.
Security Enhancements
  • Google reCAPTCHA support to Wish List Sharing and Gift Card forms.
  • Added the ACL resources to the inventory.
  • Inventory template security enhancement.
  • MaliciousCode upgraded to HTMLPurifier.
  • Inventory template security enhanced.
  • This release includes eight security fixes and platform security improvements. These security fixes have been backported to Adobe Commerce 2.4.5-p2 and Adobe Commerce 2.4.4-p3.
Performance and Scalability EnhancementsPrice indexer optimization (Adobe Commerce)


  • Primary index performance has been improved by reducing the number of primary indexes from 3 to 1
  • This enhancement reduced the number of have records created in the price index by reducing eSKU multiplication that resulted from shared catalogs.
  • The price indexer now deletes outdated data as expected after replacing records during partial re-indexing of large catalogs. Previously, the re-indexing process removed outdated records before replacing them, which caused products to occasionally disappear temporarily from the storefront. GitHub-35616
  • The performance of the bin/Magento/setup: upgrade command has been improved. Previously, this command recreated the database triggers, which caused significant downtime during command execution. Additionally, the indexers did not revert back to the scheduled mode and remained in save mode. GitHub-33386
  • Updating tier prices by API now executes faster. Previously, updating tier prices generated unnecessary SELECT queries, which delayed execution when many customer groups were assigned to a product.
  • The performance of SELECT company permissions operations has improved.
  • Page load performance has improved when the catalog widget product list is loaded. Previously, non-global attributes were loaded directly from the database.
Page BuilderV.1.7.2V.1.7.3
  • Apple Pay is now available to all merchants running deployments with Payment Services enabled
  • PayPal: Merchants in Spain and Italy can now offer PayPal Pay Later to shoppers.
  • Braintree
    • Braintree has discontinued the KOUNT fraud protection integration.
    • The Always request 3DS option has been added to the Admin.
  • The COD payment method is no longer rendered on the storefront checkout workflow when COD is exempted for the country specified in the shipping and billing addresses. Previously, Admin configuration settings for this feature were not implemented.
  • Vault payment information is no longer shown in the Payment section of the Admin order creation workflow if the shopper has not saved a token. GitHub-33954
  • Custom prices are no longer doubled after a discount is applied by the cart price rule. GitHub-35154
  • New order pending status is now honored as expected when an order is placed using the Zero Subtotal Checkout payment method.
Accessibility Updates
  • The focus of this release has been on creating a storefront experience on Venia (PWA) that is more perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. These enhancements include:
  • Search results summary information is now announced to screen reader users
  • Screen readers are now informed when a new page view loads
  • Contrast and keyboard accessibility have been improved
  • The visual text label for the Sign in button now matches its accessible name. (Best practice recommends that a UI element’s accessible name starts with the visible label text.)
  • Descriptive accessible names have been added to buttons throughout the storefront.
  • Verbal descriptive labels have been added to the Has Video checkboxes in search filters.
  • Keyboard-only users can now access all page functionality on the storefront. Previously, shoppers could not access sub-navigation links using only keystrokes.

Key Differences from Previous Versions

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6Adobe Commerce 2.4.5Adobe Commerce 2.4.4
  • 100K+ records/min data import
  • 1M+ SKU enhanced Admin performance
  • 208K orders/hour
  • 2M pageviews/hour
  • 10.5K GraphQL calls/min
  • 60K orders/hour
  • 1K+ customer segments
  • 500 concurrent admin users
  • Duplicate SKU removal reduces eSKU count up to 85%
  • 750 cart line items
Platform & APIs
  • Latest platform technology, including PHP 8.1 and 8.2
  • GraphQL improvements
  • Support for PHP 8.1
  • Support for PHP 8.1

Issues You May Encounter in Your Projects Due to Upgrade

Introduces many backward, incompatible changes to the libraries and third-party software components it uses.

This is mainly because of the end of support for these components:

  • Zend_Filter replaced with laminas-filter
  • Zend_HTTP replaced with laminas-http
  • Zend_Validate replaced with laminas-validator

Switching to new libraries affects tens of Magento modules shipped with.

For example, Magento_GoogleAdwords (backend), Magento_Framework, Magento_Payment, Magento_Backend, Magento_Search, Magento_LayeredNavigation, Magento_Downloadable

Also, Third-party extensions that use depend on the affected Magento modules or depend on the replaced libraries require an update.

Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6 – Official Release Notes

If you want to read the full Adobe Commerce (Magento) 2.4.6 release notes, check out the resources linked below.

Magento Open Source 2.4.6 Release Notes

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 Release Notes